1: Top 5 Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency - Fatigue and Weakness - Easy Bruising - Slow Wound Healing - Dry and Damaged Skin

2: Top 5 Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency - Swollen and Painful Joints - Bleeding Gums - Scurvy - Impaired Immunity

3: Top 5 Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency - Rough, Dry, and Bumpy Skin - Nosebleeds - Mood Changes - Hair Loss

4: Top 5 Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency - Tooth Decay - Weakened Bones - Easy Infections - Lack of Appetite

5: Top 5 Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency - Muscle Weakness - Anemia - Shortness of Breath - Iron Deficiency

6: Top 5 Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency - Sudden Weight Loss - Frequent Illnesses - Reduced Libido - Cognitive Decline

7: Top 5 Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency - Fatigue - Dry Scaly Skin - Depression - Irritability

8: Top 5 Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency - Joint Pain - Swelling - Weak Immune System - Slow Healing

9: Top 5 Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency - Poor Dental Health - Brittle Nails - Pale Skin - Dizziness.

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