1: 1. "The Shawshank Redemption" 2. "The Dark Knight" 3. "Pulp Fiction"

2: 4. "Inception" 5. "The Godfather" 6. "Interstellar"

3: 7. "Forrest Gump" 8. "The Matrix" 9. "Titanic"

4: 10. "Fight Club" 11. "Goodfellas" 12. "The Departed"

5: 13. "The Green Mile" 14. "The Lion King" 15. "Gladiator"

6: 16. "The Silence of the Lambs" 17. "The Social Network" 18. "Jurassic Park"

7: 19. "Back to the Future" 20. "The Avengers" 21. "The Wolf of Wall Street"

8: 22. "Casablanca" 23. "Schindler's List" 24. "Gone with the Wind"

9: 25. "The Wizard of Oz" 26. "Avatar" 27. "The Sound of Music"

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