1: 1. Humans talk loudly, which can startle dogs. 2. Dogs don't like sudden movements from humans. 3. Some dogs dislike when humans invade their personal space.

2: 4. Many dogs dislike when humans stare directly at them. 5. Loud laughter or screaming can scare dogs. 6. Dogs can be scared by humans wearing hats or sunglasses.

3: 7. Dogs don't like when humans approach them too quickly. 8. Some dogs dislike when humans try to hug them. 9. Dogs can be uncomfortable with certain human scents.

4: 10. Dogs may perceive human eye contact as a threat. 11. Some dogs dislike when humans reach out to pet them. 12. Dogs dislike when humans raise their voice in anger.

5: 13. Dogs may feel insecure when humans lack consistency. 14. Excessive physical contact may make dogs uncomfortable. 15. Dogs can be scared by humans bending over them.

6: 16. Some dogs dislike when humans move their hands too quickly. 17. Dogs don't like when humans lean over them. 18. Dogs may find humans who smell like other animals unsettling.

7: 19. Sudden movements like dancing can make dogs anxious. 20. Dogs dislike when humans wake them abruptly. 21. Some dogs are scared of humans wearing masks or costumes.

8: 22. Dogs can detect human emotions, which may unsettle them. 23. Dogs dislike when humans don't follow a routine. 24. Loud noises from humans can startle dogs.

9: 25. Some dogs are intimidated by large groups of humans. 26. Changing body language can confuse dogs. 27. Dogs may dislike humans who lack confidence or control.

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