1: 1. Artificial sweeteners 2. Processed sugars 3. Excessive amounts of salt 4. Artificial flavors 5. Unnecessary additives

2: 1. Preservatives 2. High-calorie toppings 3. Trans fats 4. Hydrogenated oils 5. Sugary syrups

3: 1. Unhealthy cereals 2. Chocolate chips 3. Store-bought granola 4. High-calorie spreads 5. Cream and butter

4: 1. High-sugar fruits 2. Sugary yogurt 3. High-fat milk 4. Ice cream 5. Marshmallows

5: 1. Candy 2. Store-bought trail mix 3. High-sugar jam 4. Caramel sauce 5. Butterscotch chips

6: 1. Condensed milk 2. Hot fudge 3. Maple syrup 4. Frosting 5. Brown sugar

7: 1. Processed meats 2. Sausage 3. Bacon 4. Cheese 5. Fried eggs

8: 1. Peanut butter cups 2. Whipped cream 3. Peanut brittle 4. Crumbled cookies 5. Pretzels

9: 1. Gummy candies 2. Marshmallow fluff 3. Cinnamon rolls 4. Pie filling 5. Pecan praline pieces

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